agency Highlight


We love to highlight growth and positivity at TRUE. Joey and Adrienne Janssen recently went through a rebranding process and the results are, as the kids say, fire! Literally. 

From Benefit Advisors to:


Why Two Twelve Benefits?

“Beginning the search for a new name is a daunting task. What should it be? What message should it convey? How might it make people feel? What if no one likes it? So many questions run through your head. We decided to start by defining the story we wanted to tell: who we are, where we’ve been, and who we hope to be for our clients.

We’ve never tried to throw the most bells and whistles at a problem. Of course we have access to the newest programs, technology, and trends. And we have a wide scope of tools at our disposal. But we’ve always aimed to be experts that can tailor a benefits program to meet the specific needs of a company to best support them, where they are, in ways that are the most helpful for them. And it may look different for everyone. In fact, most often it does. But they are united by the common thread that most often, there is one thing. One change. One service. One realignment. One thing that is the catalyst for improvement, for better employee engagement, for better benefits utilization, for greater overall satisfaction with the benefits broker experience.

It’s that one thing: one degree of difference that can change everything. Two Twelve represents the extra degree from two hundred and eleven degrees, when water is still, to Two Twelve degrees when water turns to steam. Steam powers the engine, and the engine drives change. One change. Systematic results. Two Twelve Benefits.”

-- Joey and Adrienne Janssen


 TRUE was happy to help with the logo. Creative director Britt Burns is multi-talented, and we are thrilled we could have such an impact on a TRUE agency’s legacy.

“Joey and Adrienne were so wonderful to work with during the design process of their rebranding. It was an honor to help bring to life their vision for how Two Twelve would be seen and represented. They are good people and great members of TRUE.”

- Britt Burns, Creative Director, TRUE Network


Joey Janssen
President & CBDO


Adrienne Janssen