2030: An Insurance Odyssey:
Future proofing your agency with marketing and technology

with Jim Taylor from Launchways

Age And Individuality:
Why marketing Medicare and individual
health might be good for you

with Dan Maniaci from Maniaci Insurance

Culture Club:
Building a strong agency culture

with Jeff Glass from McConkey Insurance and
Kaleena Murray from Amplified

Hey Prospect! Swipe Right:
Digital marketing

with Alex Olson from The Olson Group and
Morgan Dumont from Exude

If You Build It:
Unique products/programs

lead to agency success with BJ Davis from
The Olson Group and Frank Ebner
from McConkey Insurance

It Is Raining. You Have The Only Umbrella:
Learning how to do acquisitions in your agency

with Jordan Shields from Arrow Benefits

Cross-selling benefits & P&C

with Jeff Glass from McConkey Insurance and
Andrew Bucci and Melissa Grebe with Amplified

Like Mama’s Lasagna:
New client onboarding process

with Val Stremsterfer and Marie Medina
from Intrepid Colorado

Love At First Sight:
Onboarding and training a new employee

with Teresa Driscoll from PDCM

No Passive Aggression Allowed:
Direct contracting part 2

with Pete Scruggs from Golsan Scruggs

Rounding Third:
Building impactful 3rd party
referrals for sales teams

with Dan Maniaci from Maniaci Insurance and
Jen Homer and Donna Schnicke from
Strategic Benefits of Cincinnati

Client communication is their secret ingredient

with Liz Frayer from Intrepid Atlanta

Size Does Not Matter. For Real:
Small group (under 100) efficiencies,
strategies, focus and success

with Elizabeth Luisi from BenefitsTexas

This Really Works If You Will Use It.
C4i Volume 1:Intro to C4i and C4e

with Scott Smith from TRUE

This Really Works If You Will Use It.
C4i Volume 2: C4i and C4e advanced
training and virtual capabilities

with Scott Smith from TRUE

Tony Robbins Ain’t Got Nuthin’ On Me:
Motivating and leading your sales teams

with Grant Rothweiler from PDCM

Wait, I Lost Count:
Measuring profitability within
segments of your practice

with Cori Green and Jeff Ryckbost from Exude

Well-Being > NOT Being Well:
How well-being expertise helps your practice

with Liz DeJoode from PDCM

You Can’t Handle The Truth:
The Intrepid Colorado client compliance review

with Lindsey Wilson from Intrepid Colorado